Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Happy is HAPPY!!

Okay, this Monday, I really thought he was REALLY mad at me. Oh, I am over things again. Before Monday (so it was Sunday) I have already concluded that he wasn't angry (or a bit) when my aunt told me that he texted and texted and texted me, only, I wasn't there. So, there...There was just a little hesitations on me on Monday. And then, as usual, I was the first to come into scholl and then,...he was next. We seems like, you know, very far from each other and to think that he approached me. But anyway, after that, we talked. Then he told me that he had already break up his girlfriend. Well, it made me feel guilty fot a while but...I dunno. I dont want others to suffer in my expense. He told me that he wanted to avoid me now because maybe he was just a disturbance to me. I said in a grudging tone, "FINE" but then he said, "Yes, I wanted to do it for the sake of you, only, I REALLY CAN'T DO it no matter how hard i try." See? This made me happy even more. Well, I haven't had any plans for now, I just want to go on with the flow. Whatever. Anyway, he wanted me to be good on my studies so there's no problem right? And anyway, we are just having a mutual understanding, so what? Hahahaha...
There's also one thing that made me tickle. He really cares for me. yah..he doesn't want me to get angry. Hnmmmm...I think he really should do that. Well, he told me he won't be connected with girls anymore, cliche. I am happy about it. Well, he and his friends were still drooling about those girls but he always stops when he know I'm around. He definitely said, "I don't want someone to be angry." WEll, you should be.
And one thing. Okay folks, don't worry, this will be the last. I just want to tell it, whatever and no matter what. Well, hours ago, my classmate and I were talking about the Girl Scout activity and then, my classmate just suddenly said, "Happy would just go there and flirt with boys," into which he replied fastly, "Don't you dare..I'll wring that someone's neck." HAhahaha..Anyway, I am also happy because all of my exams were all line of 9.

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