Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Family Matters

I am problematic about my family. I thought that separated parents was alright, you know, okay like it wasn't there, that you can still live happily, but no. It is definitely not. Like me. Now that I am in the same very infern situation, I cannot take it. It is hard seeing your mother having another man and your father having another woman. Now I asked myself: why can't they live together EVEN just for us- their children? Readers, please answer my question. You know, I now hate mothers and fathers, parents in general, who only thinks of themselves. They seem did not think about their children. They do not seem to love them, like my parents does to us. Yes, they showered us material things, money but come to think of it, especially you, parents, is that enough? Do you think that your child REALLY wants that more than their parents being together? I think my parents doesn't love us anymore because they didn't think of us. I think all that so-called love they say to us is JUST SO-CALLED and it ends up just there. Only there. That is why I am trying to hate them now and also, I learn from them. Leave someone close to you first before they left you. Because it is more hurting if they are the ones who'll leave you. Anyway, all this things I didn't say to my sisters because I am afraid they won't take it. It is okay if I am the one who'll get hurt, not them. You know what, they may be the only person I just wanted to love and that I truly love in this whole wide world...No matter what, I'll protect them and love them and I won't imitate my parents who were all PLASTICS...!!

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