Saturday, June 23, 2007

Happy Poison, inlove?

Definitely NOT! I am not going to and that is a promise. Yes, I may have many crushes, but no perks, I won't really try. I dunno why, though. I have many love affairs and I always dream on having a boyfriend but now that I am growing up, I don't like the idea anymore. Dunno why so.

Okay, I may have invented boyfriends just so I won't feel left out but this time, now that I am realizing that I am falling for Geoff and that it is not a crush anymore, I am really scared. I don't wanna go near him, ever! My friends said they like him but I am, I really don't like it. Maybe, I DO REALLY have a split personality. I am afraid of falling for Geoff but I am not afraid when I did it the first(and maybe last) for Archie. *SIGH*

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