Saturday, December 01, 2007

Where To?

I am feeling a little(Or more) dramatics these past few days. Maybe..(AGAIN!!) it is because of that..cold war I am having with my former friends. Well, they still doesn't talk to me..But, as if I care now. No, I don't anyway. And I am not angry with them anymore(How many times did I told you that, anyway?) but its just...I still don't want to talk to them. But if necessary, then okay.

But they themselves doesn't feel like it, talking to me. And it gave me much comfort, unlike the past few days that I feel like I am gonna cry for what happened. SO that means that I am moving on.

It didn't gave me full guarantee though. Now, I didn't know where I should surely go and stuff. I am a bit confused with my life now. But, it gave me the idea not to think of long-time friendship and relationship anymore. Because now, I do believe that nothing lasts long. Or else, just nobody likes me.Hehe..But no sad feelings about that.

So, there. Think I gotta go. I am wondering why internet connections this past few days are wearing off. Gosh..Okay, ba-bye!!

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