Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Busy As A Bee

I can say that right now, I really am. Not that I have too much work to do, only that I came from work. I mean, being from Interbranch essay wrting to promenade, its like a very very hard work for me. Especially that I am assigned on the hardest work ever- the table set-up.

Last year, and last last year, we, our batch, led by me, was the defending champion in table set-up. That means that no one had ever beat us since its just two years from now that the table set-up is put up. And I am just so proud that every idea/ motiff was mine.

So now, I am so very busy putting things up. but hey- it didn't stop me from playing RF, a new game that has tempted me into gaming. Well, my byo classmates/ friends cajoled me to try that game so, here I am, signing up for level-up. haha. Funny. I always told them that what they were doing was bad, you know, cutting classes just for this but I do not know what would I become in the near future now that I am going to try this game.

Now, I have to research for any ideas about table set-up again and Ihave to play Rf online now. Ba bye.

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