Saturday, June 16, 2007

All Grown-Up?

Am I really? Maybe. That's what they said. Professor Umber, my friends and clique. Because, as what they said, my mind is more advanced than the rest of my classmates. I don't think soi, thats my opinion. But really, maybe....
You know folks, readers, I am wondering why I am close to teachers. They confide in me and everything but that's just it. We never became that personal.
Other good news for me this school year is that our counselor, who I think was my worst enemy, was now all WAS. Because she was starting to get FC to me. Meaning, feeling close. Yeah, she started acting like that to me. And the very overwhelming thing for me that I felt like a good news for the school year, is that I am the understudy for the Environment Quiz. It was seem like a very good news.. Being an understudy is hard, even if I am beaten by a Junior High. And I am very happy about it. REALLY happy. Currently, I am studying for oiur future lessons so hang on, and I have to say goodbye for a moment.

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