Sunday, October 14, 2007

All Alone In My Family World

Would you believe that? I don't know if I am the insecure or they are.. But I believe it is NOT me. I am not insecure, see? I know my weaknesses and I admit, I am insecure to THOSE people who are more intelligent than me, so why would I be insecure with my cousin? Or my nearly aged aunt and uncle? C'mon, thats fallacy!
But I can feel it. Like a girl alone in the midst of the rain, yeah I am. You know what? I think the only friends that were left for me were Joy, Jhan, and Joan. My dormmates. See, they are more concerned to me than anyone else in the world. Its like, we are compatible unlike my aunts and gay uncle who puts a grudge on me whereas I didn't do something. Or maybe I did something that didn't please them but, can we please everybody? And what is it that didn't please them? My intelligence? I think so, seeing my cousin hasn't achieved something as she was the shy type and she has brains but compared to me, it was nothing, then maybe then. Because she appeared the protagonist and me, antagonist. But its not fair. I am all alone. With my achievements and everything, still, I can;t feel someone so proud of me. Now, I am asking myself what should I do to make THEM proud of me. And for them to like me. I think no one likes me, hear it? NO ONE! Am I really not that likeable enough?Huhuhuhuhu.
I am not likeable and despite of my achievements, no one is proud of me. What should I do then? I feel all alone. How dare them leave to me like this! I hate them.

Oh. And one more thing. I really hate my cousin now. How dare her, to use my things without even asking permission to me. I know I am selfish sometimes, but then, I allow people to use my things, only and IF ONLY they ask from me. But you know what? THat cousin of mine, she is HORRIBLE! She doesn't even ask me, which is bad. She just use it as if it is hers. How dare her. But if I tell my feelings about it, her DEFENDORS would then say I am selfish. But ao what if I am, huh?

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