Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Journalism, Journalism

Copy-reader. Yeah, that's me. As I hope you still remember it, I have already discussed it with everyone else who is willing to take a peek into my TROUBLED life. Well, yeah. Now, back to our main topic. Well, here it is. I have been chosen as the copy-reader in our team. Now, the thing that bothers me is that I believe I don't have talent in that area. But then, I cannot do anything about that since I am merely assigned for that part. Oh, duh...
And now, what is more is, I believe that is the lowest part slash rank or-whatever-you-call-it in our team. And I don't like it a little bit. You know me for not understanding those too-under duties because I more prefer to lead or do jobs in higher positions and ranks. And now, I have to test the waters and test my own capabilities in adopting this. Gosh, this gonna be the hard time for me..and us, rather. Because you see, unlike the past years and our previous successors, they have been trained well enough before joining the contest, while we.. we were left in the river to do our own. And almost all of us has no experience in this except Dude.
Please, please, please. What bothers me most is that I am not bothered. I have been always bantering and bothering whenever I have to join contests but this one doesn't bother me. Gosh..I think something is gonna happen that I won't really like. Oh, please, pray for me and wish me luck. WHEW!!

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