Tuesday, March 25, 2008

For What Is Yours

I believe that what is really set out for you will be yours. And that will only happen if it is for you and only YOU. Because no matter what your system is in getting it, it won't work as long as it is not for you. That is how destiny works, too.

Oh, they are all interconnected. Its just like..how could you get this thing if you are not destined to it? Whatever. Take for example this girl that is deaf, and can only understand you through lip-reading. She is pretty, and also smart. She joined a beauty pageant. It was just like...perfect. Then came the question and answer portion. Her answer was very sure and she was confident and just like a normal person but here comes the buzzer that cannot be lip-read, and so, she went overdue of the time, and was only made as first runner-up. What a pity. She could have just won, had she only heard the buzzer. And the judges cannot make considerations just because she is deaf, because it was not a beauty pageant for deaf. So, she just contented herself the red ribbon.

If you have seen Ice Princess, it was also a pity, because she has the talent, and a very good performance and was only mistaken just because her mother didn't arrived to watch her perform. So, she setted for the silver cup, the judges didn't made considerations.

Why I am writing this? Well, I just felt of kinda, sharing to you what life is all about. Because I noticed that there were people who likes the phrase, "By hook or by crook" which is not very good. Because it is like, implying that you must get the thing that you must not have. It is bad because it is not right. So, I just wanted to advice you readers even though you are not asking for one that you should wait on things, you must not force the things to come to you because if it is for you, then it will be, but you must also work a little but not that much.

Got it?

I hope you did because it is a sensible topic for me, and I hope you really do get it, just to eliminate villain people in the world who get things not for them their own way.

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