Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Semi-finals Finished

I felt really bad. But not that bad- snap! But still, I felt bad. Whatever. I mean, its just that our professor included business math in our mathematics exam which I was so very bad at. Yes, I am so good in algebra and trigonometry but not business math, for goodness sake! So, thats it. The last part of our exam is about business math and I blew it off because i forgot the latest procedure. Huhuhuhu.

Well, I felt a little okay now ut not that okay. Duh...So what? As long as I'll be out of high scool then that would be fine for me.

And oh-there's this other thing that is a bit bugging my mind. I mean, its still part of our graduation rites, traditional you know. The recollection. it would be on Friday and I am not eager about it. But others were eager because they said that its time that our friendship reunites again. Sorry but no, I don't think so. Dhhhhh..

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