Saturday, March 08, 2008

P.E. Day

Morning. I am so so so so...bad. I felt lousy and I felt super-badly. HUhuhuhuhu. Because our P.E day's firat event was the volleyball. I hope you know guys how to play volleyball and at least you know almost all of the sports so that you won't feel lousy and loser just in case.

I played volleyball for the morning event. Of course, I cannot say that I am so good at it, because I am more comfortable with home rooms. Well, our team, the senior team, was competing against the Juniors. They were our target enemy, something like that. But then, we lost against them. Our batch was not that sporty and even though our boys really love volleyball, and we also know about its rules, we never came to like it that much. So there, we lost for the women's division but at least, the boys winned alright.

The only thing that made me felt so troubled was that, the last score of the opposing team was made by me.Its like..I wasn't able to get back the ball to the other side of the court. And because of that, I blew our chances.

Although my friends didn't blame me because all of us were to be blamed, I still felt bad. And most of us girls swore a revenge by afternoon's activity.

I joined the tug-of-war. Huh! And as if, we really were serious that time. We really mopped the Juniors on the floor! Tchah! Poor babies!!

So, by the afternoon, we have compensated enough scores to be on edge with the others. I may be a little bit devilish this time by swearing revenge against them, but hey- its competition. Whats the truth is, we truly ROCKS!

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