Sunday, March 02, 2008

Lost O'Lost

List of what I have lost for this week:
  1. My RRJ Pants
  2. My Titus Ballpen color black
  3. A Pocketbook I borrowed
  4. My Calculator, precious, oh'so precious calculator

See, I have been some kind of a clumsy, forgetful girl this week. I have lost those important things just for ONE week. Gosh. This RRJ pants, I know mother would kill me if she will find out that I have lost it. It cost that much, you know. And this Titus ballpen, I believe that it is one of the factors of my lucky charm, and now its gone. I cannot believe and I cannot figure out how I lost it. And so are the pocketbooks. But I guess its in the care of one of my friends. Oh, I hope so. And the last one, the most important of all, my caluclator. I really cried and panicked when I learned that it was gone. Luckily, someone just borrowed it from me without my permission. But at least.

Sigh. I promise I would take good care of my things again that no one will be able to touch.

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