Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Hurting Inside

Really, I am. I hate to be vurnerable, but I can't help it. But..C'est la vie. That's life. I can do nothing about it... But, I hate them more.. Oh, before I proceed, I want to let you know that I am meaning my former friends, Dude and the Company.

I am hurt by what they have done to me this past few days. But what hurts most is that they ignore it and what hurts much more and most is that they even back stab me. As if I am a nonsense to them all the time. Am I really? That made me always wonder with myself. I have made almost everything to please them but why am I always left out? I am always shunted in one corner especially if they didn't need me.

But hey! I didn't hate them for it. No. But well... It made some changes in me, somehow.

I have been a bit..quirky now. Uhmn.. Well, yes. I am quirky before but I am now unusually quirky. And you know what? I believe I am starting to be a loner. Gosh... I don't want to, but the fate has its own calling andyou cannot stop it. Well, I am not letting myself to be a loner but after talking to my-more-reliable- internet friends, I have already told myself, well, this is it. So I cannot do anything about it because this is where I intended to end up to.

Though I am really that hurt after all the betrayals I experienced, I am still trying to stop my self to wish them ill cause I know that that is bad. So there, que sera sera. Whatever will be, will be. I can't do anything about it. All the best I can do for now is to heal my broken heart. Broken from a friend's betrayal.

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