Thursday, November 15, 2007

Secret Is Best For Safety

Sometimes, a person has to tell the whole truth to be safe. They have to tell he whole truth with all the honesty they have and to have to ay everything to the authority-nothing more, nothing less just to be safe fr0m the prying eyes and harmful people. But when your enemy is one of your friends,..or your best friend rather, well that is another story.

Remember Morty? The one I thougt was jus my brother, my friend? Well, I have this irksome crush for him again!! HAhahaha.. I don't know but when I was a freshman, I have a crush on him, too. But hey, its only 'till crush, huh? I don't love him or have been infatuated with him like I was infatuated with Geoff in the past. Yes, thats only in the past so now, I am free from the prison he put up on me. So by now, I am having a crush on Morty, Jewel, and Joseph. All in order from greatest to lowest although I am having second thoughts on the first and second.

Okay. Now there's almost problem with the two of them aside from the fact that I son't know whether they like me or not. Oh, as if it mattered to me. It doesn't matter to me anyway. Thing is, my best of friends like them too. One of my friend, Dude, REALLY likes Morty (remember Dude?) and so as my beauty queen friend Lala. She has an infatuation with Jewel but many said that Jewel likes me instead. But come to think of it, who will like a dragonite like me comparedto a beauty queen? So, of course, I haven't told anyone about my crushing to Jewel, especially my friends. I like him first, before Lala got a crush on him but then, I don't know why I haven't told them, and now I have my final decision not to tell them anymore cause I believe it will just fade away after sometime, and then, I'll have no prob regarding our friendship at all.

OK. Matter now with Morty. Well, Dude loves him and she came in first alhough he has clearly no crush on her. And we are closer than Dude. But then, I don't wanna be traitor to my friends, and besides, thats only a CRUSH and it will sooner or later fade away so better not tell them for the sake of our friendship right? Thats why sometimes, I come to think of it, secret is good but no..DONT TELL A LIE!!!

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