Friday, November 23, 2007

Pop Girl

Why does it really hurts to be a girly girly? haha. Well, its on my blood and I can do nothing about it. I cannot change it, so I have to flaunt it. Really, it seems queer that a geek like me is a girlish fashionista, so there! I always create havoc, especially among my classmates. Hahaha.. I can't help but laughing.

So, there. I have once again proven to the world and especially to myself that I am a REAL AND TRUE girly at heart. I have just burned a new cd and all of its songs were..well, all was suited for a girl. But hey- don't mistake me for a girly pink girl because pink is not my favorite. It is orange and green.

Okay. I think I made my point. I only wrote this because I had nothing to think of on what to write this day. Or would you rather hear more about my "friends"? Well, I thought about it for a while and I thought that the more I hear and talk less of them, the more I shall gain recovery. Right?

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